Patient Education
Patient Education
It is important that you to become as informed as possible about your injury or condition. Understanding your symptoms and the anatomic reason behind them helps you better understand the treatment options and recovery process. The Internet has a vast amount of information that can provide helpful details on your injury or condition, but web pages should be interpreted with caution. Several studies have shown that the quality and accuracy of information available on the Internet is highly variable and may not have been meticulously reviewed. Dr. Kew encourages you to use the Internet to learn more about your condition and can help provide medically accurate search terms to improve your search. The educational content on this website was written and arranged by Dr. Kew to ensure quality and accuracy. Select your diagnosis from the navigation bar to the left of the screen. Additional websites vetted by Dr. Kew for accuracy include:
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)